Thursday, February 16, 2006

Confession Of A Broken Heart (Daughter to Father)

This is Lindsay Lohan first single from her new studio album 'A Little More Personal (Raw). This song is written by her and apparently was recorded and mixed at the same time with only one take. So, according to her, this song written by her to tell her father how she feel. Very personal i must say. With Lindsay's husky voice, this song would draw you to her feeling.
Apart from writing song, this young lady also has mark another mile stones in her career. She directed the music video 'Confession Of A Broken Heart (Daughter to Father). This is must see video as the also as personal as the song. Watch out for Lindsay's mom and younger sis in the music video. A family reunion, maybe! I've watched the video and it gave me a big impact. I, myself comes from a broken family and i understand how she feel.
Nonetheless, this single is one of best track by her. I will try post the video in the future.
Feel Good Ratings: 4 out of 5

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